Thursday, July 30, 2009


I'm not going to be one of those hypocrites who talks about all drugs as evil while smacking back a few behind the scenes. Yes, I have done blow, and I liked it... at the time. The problem is and always be the dependence it causes in those who take it. As I was more of a "recreational user" I did manage to get that monkey off my back. There are others, however, who lack the willpower and or social graces to realize or care what they are doing is self destructive and will eventually lead to a gutter.

Cocaine being fairly expensive, many people have been resorting to less expensive solutions which is where Crack Cocaine came into the pictures, now there seems to be another drug derived from the outwardly screamingly harmless Coca plant. The PACO DRUG is derived from the residue of the Cocaine manufacturing process and is initially fairly useless until it is cut with the real poison... Rat Poison that is. Yes, you heard me right, there are some wacked out people out there who seem to think smoking rat poison infused PACO DRUG is the way to get a high.

The high from PACO DRUG is reportedly very short lived, which inturn creates a much faster dependence on PACO DRUG. PACO DRUG is currently gaining its' popularity in the slums of Argentina and, if search trends are any indication, PACO DRUG will soon be moving north as the recession takes its' toll on traditional Cocaine users looking for a cheaper substitution.

Here is a write up on PACO DRUG from Guy Taylor

Beginning in mid-2006, news reports in English began appearing about paco, a cheap, highly addictive form of cocaine ravaging the impoverished neighborhoods of Buenos Aires. By early 2008, at least eight major news outlets—including The Christian Science Monitor, the Los Angeles Times, The Miami Herald, and The New York Times, as well as Al Jazeera, the BBC, and Deutsche Presse-Agentur—had covered the story. In February, Slate media critic Jack Shafer noted that the paco story had become a “journalistic staple.” Indeed, the narrative about paco offered by the news media varied little.

Most of the reporting from Buenos Aires barrios emphasized paco’s link to impoverishment in Argentina following the country’s 2001–02 economic meltdown. Official poverty among residents of Buenos Aires suburbs reached 61% in 2003, according to the Argentine National Institute of Statistics and Census. And in neighboring Montevideo, Uruguay, where cheap cocaine has also taken root, unemployment surged to more than 20%.

The media identified paco as pasta base (“base paste”), or cocaine sulfate, the form of the drug that both precedes its conversion into powder (cocaine hydrochloride) and is left over, in small quantities, when that process is completed. Selling for less than 50 cents per dose, the drug is said to have saturated the street-corner drug market. Between 2004 and 2006, paco consumption increased 200% in Buenos Aires, according to the Argentine government. United Nations and U.S. State Department narcotics reports cite similar figures, while some Argentine newspapers put the number even higher. About 70,000 Argentines between the ages of 16 and 26 have tried the drug in greater Buenos Aires, according to the Argentine Secretariat for Prevention of Drug Addiction and Control of Narco-trafficking (Sedronar).

When I visited Buenos Aires in the summer of 2007, the people I spoke to did connect paco to Argentina’s economic struggles—but also to the broader dynamics of the cocaine trade. The emergence of a generation of young men growing up in neighborhoods plagued by unprecedented levels of unemployment and social disarray gave dealers and traffickers the gift of a previously nonexistent marketplace, said Ricardo Nadra, an official at Sedronar. The economic crisis created “a great lack of everything, including drugs, and as a result drug traffickers quickly sought to broaden their market in response to a lack of cocaine.” He said dealers discovered that cheap, easy to get chemicals like mannitol and caffeine, mixed with a tiny bit of cocaine, could be sold to compensate for the shortage. In no time, what began as a makeshift market for this “cocaine trash” swiftly evolved into a sophisticated industrial system of producing paco to meet the demand for a cheap cocaine high.

While conditions in Argentina and Uruguay have improved markedly since the economic crisis, paco’s spread continues unabated. “There are still large sectors of the population living under the poverty line, and once a [drug] market is created, it’s very difficult to get rid of it,” said Tom Blickman, a researcher at the Netherlands-based Transnational Institute and co-author of a 2006 study called “Paco Under Scrutiny.” “Once it’s there, it doesn’t go away very easily, especially with something so addictive as paco.”

My visit to Villa 20, a Buenos Aires barrio on the outskirts of the city, confirmed the drug’s tenacity. People described starved-looking addicts, most of them young men, willing to sell everything and betray anyone to get high. And as a number of news reports mentioned, many addicts’ outraged mothers have organized local anti-paco organizations that advocate for better prevention programs and law enforcement. The electricity had gone out at the community center I went to, where former addicts and addicts’ relatives gather to share their stories and strategize. Since it was too dark to see inside, we stood outside on the sidewalk. A small crowd gathered around as a hardened-looking, teary-eyed woman, who asked to be identified only as Cristina, told her visitors about her 18-year-old paco-addicted son, who had stolen everything from her, “even my jewelry.”

As she spoke, young men on motorbikes roared onto the street every few minutes, discreetly handing packages to other young men milling about on the curb before loudly peeling away, leaving plumes of bluish exhaust in their wake. It was the only sign of economy I saw in Villa 20. Cristina paused for a moment as the growl of another motorbike drowned her out. When it passed, she said, “Here the problem is not the kids. It’s the dealers and the people who should take charge of the problem. The police know who’s selling, that’s the truth of the matter, and I don’t care what could happen to me for saying this.”

A former paco user, who asked to be identified only as Matías, told me paco suddenly appeared in his neighborhood in 2004, when Peruvian dealers began selling it. Describing his addiction as an isolating, alienating experience, Matías, 24, said once he was hooked, the addiction broke apart his most cherished relationships, even with his beloved younger brother, who steered clear of the drug. “I’m proud of him,” he said. “Often in my craziness, while I was using, I wanted a brother who would use with me.”

Matías was receiving treatment at Casa Joven de Flores, one of only two publicly funded clinics that provide outpatient care exclusively for young paco addicts. Ignacio O’Donnell, the clinic’s director, said paco is “much more addictive” than alcohol or heroin. “The effect lasts for only five to eight minutes, and it takes about 30 seconds to hit, so it’s a very big high and a very big crash,” he said. A lot of users, he said, are initially attracted to paco for it cheapness. But once they become addicted, they will smoke as many as 100 doses a day. “That’s the paradox,” he said. “People say it’s cheap, but it’s not cheap at all compared to how many doses users have to take in a day to feed their addiction.”

The paco-poverty association seems easy enough to establish—although there are many hidden middle-class users, who didn’t merit much attention in the mainstream coverage—but Milton Romani Gerner, Uruguay’s chief counter-narcotics minister, insisted there is more to the story. “I don’t want to commit the stupidity of looking for a direct connection between poverty and pasta base consumption,” he said, though he acknowledged that poverty and high unemployment have played their part. Gerner pointed instead to the cocaine industry itself and its flexibility in the face of counter-drug operations. The Transnational Institute’s report on paco comes to much the same conclusion, noting another crucial factor in the drug’s appearance: “a general transformation in the production, trade and trafficking of cocaine hydrochloride, and not merely the increase in poverty.”


While the “paco phenomenon” may be a novelty for Argentina and Uruguay, it is well-known elsewhere in the region. Pasta base appeared in the Andes during the cocaine boom of the 1980s, where it was known by different names in different countries—
bazuco (Colombia), pitillo (Bolivia), kete (Peru), baserolo (Ecuador), mono (Chile). The epidemic was especially widespread in Colombia, and was indelibly linked to the wider international cocaine trade; that is, while most of the Colombian cocaine was produced for the lucrative export market, some of it stayed and underwent a degree of product differentiation, serving both the local middle- and upper-class markets, as well as the barrio poor in the form of cheap, heavily diluted pasta base.

The recent appearance and prevalence of paco in Argentina is, then, largely an indication of the country’s new status as a cocaine producer, as well as its continuing importance as a transshipment point for the European market. As Diego Álvarez, a program coordinator at Sedronar, told the Deutsche Presse-Agentur: “Where there is paco, there is also cocaine.” Thus, the key to understanding paco may be Argentina’s changing role within the international cocaine business as a result of the U.S.-funded, multibillion-dollar counter-drug program, Plan Colombia, implemented in 2000, on the cusp of Argentina’s meltdown. Nadra of Sedronar said that since Plan Colombia, it has become “much more economical and less dangerous for drug traffickers to bring the raw material, pasta base, directly to Argentina, where the [chemicals used to produce cocaine], while controlled, are legal.” He added: “Before, cocaine hydrochloride would pass from the producer countries into Argentina. Now what enters is the pasta base, which is much cheaper. In the past, Argentina was a transit country. Now it’s a country of transit, consumption, and production.”

According to Adam Isacson, director of the Washington-based Center for International Policy’s Colombia program, “The geography of cocaine production really hasn’t changed much since the mid-1990s—meaning which countries are growing the most coca—but the geography of cocaine marketing and transshipment and demand has changed.” International Colombian cocaine cartels that were broken up by increased law enforcement have been replaced by Mexican cartels to the north and Brazilian cartels to the south, he said, and “they have found new ways to market cocaine in the south.” The Transnational Institute’s Blickman adds that the past decade has seen “a change in global cocaine markets, in the sense that Europe is a growing market while North America is much more stable.”

European cocaine use has skyrocketed to unprecedented levels, the United­ Nations reported in 2006, with 3.5 million users who make up a quarter of the global market. An EU report the following year put the number at 4.5 million. As Mother Jones reported in March, U.S. cocaine prices increased by more than 40% in 2007, a predictable result of the U.S. dollar’s precipitous drop in value, which makes exporting the drug stateside far less lucrative an enterprise. Meanwhile, wholesale cocaine prices in Europe are roughly double those in the United States. Reflecting the importance of this European demand, South American traffickers have gone to great lengths to get their product to market. Deflected by the Mexican cartels in the north and heavy interdiction efforts in the Caribbean, the U.K. Guardian reported in March, traffickers now follow a transshipment route from Brazil, Colombia, or Venezuela to Europe via West African nations, especially Guinea-Bissau, which the United Nations has called “Africa’s first narco-state”—and where, like Argentina, a cheap, smokable cocaine product (known by its Brazilian name, pedra) has taken hold among locals.

Part of this rerouting of cocaine traffic through Argentina came about as a response to a U.S.-led crackdown on the chemicals necessary to produce cocaine. The crackdown on “precursor chemicals,” as they’re known, began almost simultaneously with Plan Colombia, in 1999, with Operation Purple, a multilateral effort to track the movement of potassium permanganate, an oxidizer used in the powder-making process to remove the residue of kerosene, gasoline, acid, and other toxic chemicals used to isolate the drug from the coca leaf. This “cleansing” yields a “very white and fluffy” powder, according to the Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA), while poorly oxidized cocaine is a “dark, lumpy, and less attractive product.” The anti-precursor­ effort also includes the DEA-led Operation Six Borders, launched in 2000, as well as Operation Andes III, supervised by Interpol and the World Customs Organization.

The South American counter-drug officials speaking to foreign reporters covering the paco story all mentioned the anti-precursor offensive as a cause of the epidemic. A Brazilian official told The New York Times that the paco surge results from “a crackdown by [Argentina and Brazil] on the chemicals needed to transform cocaine paste . . . into powder form.” Argentine officials told The Miami Herald the same thing, while the Los Angeles Times noted that the phenomenon reflects “the [co­caine] indus­try’s adaptation to enforcement measures.”

The newspapers, however, avoided a substantive discus­sion of the relationship between the precursor crackdown, paco’s emergence, and the con­tinuing importance of Argentina as a transshipment point for the European market. Such a discussion would have required an account of what’s known in Mexico as el efecto cucaracha—the cockroach effect. Set a trap for the pests in the kitchen, and they scurry away to the bathroom; set another trap for them in the bathroom, and down they go to the basement. The metaphor, also known more politely as the “balloon effect,” nicely captures a basic feature of the War on Drugs: A heavy-handed crackdown on producers and traffickers in one place inevitably leads to their reappearance elsewhere. It is well-known in Colombia, where after eight years of the U.S.-funded drug war, the country’s cocaine industry remains as robust and adaptable as ever.

In the Argentine case, producers and traffickers responded to the crackdown on precursors by simply moving production closer to the source of the chemicals—of which Argentina is a major producer. Cocaine laboratories (known as cocinas, or kitchens) in Argentina have proliferated: Whereas Argentine authorities raided 15 small labs between 1999 and 2003, they found 20 in 2004 alone, including one capable of manufacturing 660 pounds a year, according to data collected by the Transnational Institute.

Only the BBC came close to a critique, quoting Hugo Miguez, a Buenos Aires psychiatrist who treats paco addicts, who said of the precursor crackdown: “It was a very ill thought out strategy.” The New York Times, meanwhile, did not mention the appearance of Argentine cocaine production at all and instead pointed the finger at Bolivian president Evo Morales. Apparently referring to Morales’s “coca is not cocaine” approach—in which forced eradication is eschewed in favor of allowing farmers to grow a certain amount of coca for traditional uses—the Times reported that the paco surge has been partly fueled by “the rolling back of restrictions on coca growing since [Morales] took office in 2006.” Although the Times did not elaborate, this claim contradicts the official U.S. estimate, released in April 2007 by the State Department’s Office of National Drug Control Policy, which announced that Bolivian coca cultivation in 2006 was “statistically unchanged” compared to the 2005 estimate. (Cultivation in Peru, in contrast, was up 17%, while Colombia’s numbers remained unchanged.)

The Times went on to mention the precursor crackdown, noting that it effectively debased the quality of Bolivian cocaine, which the European market rejected, forcing the Bolivians to “flood” the region with pasta base and low-quality cocaine, turning the Southern Cone into a “dumping ground.” The latest State Department figures do indeed register a spike in Bolivian base exports: U.S.-supported Bolivian counter-narcotics units seized 11.4 metric tons of cocaine base in 2007, an almost 200% increase over the four tons seized in 2001. But most of the Bolivian base going to Argentina and Uruguay is likely not meant to serve the local paco market, as the Times seems to imply, but to be processed into the far more profitable powder for export.

Paco’s link to the more lucrative cocaine-powder market is apparent in its very composition. While the news reporting on Argentine paco identified it as diluted pasta base, much of the drug is, in fact, diluted cocaine powder. So said Roberto Máximo Silva, head of the provincial police department’s Illegal Drug Trafficking Investigations Unit, which has carried out systematic chemical analyses of paco. Silva keeps a tidy office, with specimens of confiscated drug paraphernalia adorning his shelves like trophies, at the back of a small brick building in La Plata, the quiet capital of Buenos Aires province.

“This is new!” he exclaimed, his eyes widening. “It’s a new strategy of commercializing cocaine hydrochloride [powder cocaine], of selling it with a different name and a different method of administration.” According to Silva, paco is powder cocaine that has been heavily diluted with whatever chemicals drug traffickers can get their hands on (unlike crack, which is made by reverting cocaine to its previous base form using ammonia or baking soda, resulting in a solid that produces inhalable smoke at relatively low heat). The cutting agents that have appeared in Silva’s lab tests include dipirona (an anti-inflammatory drug usually used on farm animals), mannitol (a sugar alcohol widely used in the food and pharmaceutical industries), lidocaine (an anesthetic commonly used in producing powder cocaine), and caffeine. Paco is on average only a third cocaine; the rest is a mixture of cutting agents, according to Christina Ramerta, a chemist who works in Silva’s unit.

“But what do they smoke it with?” Silva asked, his eyes widening again as he explained that paco can’t be smoked exactly like crack because it still contains cocaine powder, which vaporizes at a high temperature. In a laboratory next to his office, he pulled a small steel pipe from a wooden box. “They smoke it with this,” he said, pointing to a sinewy chunk of bronze sponge jammed in the pipe’s mouth. When the user’s flame touches the bronze, Silva said, it turns fire red, reaching a high-enough temperature to break apart the cocaine molecule.

This is not to say that all “paco” contains cocaine powder. South American counter-drug authorities have yet to agree on a single definition of the drug, said Gabriel Abboud, an official at Sedronar. The cheap cocaine market is fairly differentiated, and may include diluted powder as well as pasta base. “It’s a family of products,” he said.

Paco was at the top of the agenda at an Informal Dialogue on Drugs Policy, convoked in September by the Transnational Institute and the Washington Office on Latin America, bringing together 25 Latin American government officials involved in drug policy, with a few NGO participants, in Montevideo. Operating under the Chatham House rule, in which participants’ views are made public but their identities kept secret, the dialogue yielded a number of dissenting views on the matter.

There was a general consensus that paco had been demonized as an especially harmful, insidious drug, as well as stigmatized, given its frequent association in media portrayals as a “drug of the poor.” Yet “despite the problems it has caused very vulnerable populations,” those problems remain “on a small scale,” compared with the damage still wrought by the more damaging legal drugs, alcohol and tobacco. One participant went so far as to say that “it is difficult to talk of a ‘paco boom,’ ” calling it “a media creation.”

Monday, July 27, 2009

Alexis Cohen gains fame after death

Alexis Cohen seems to be more popular in death than she was alive during her two separate American Idol Auditions. The crass but sensitive singer has become known for her expletive filled rants after being rejected by the American Idol judges in Season 7 of American Idol. At one point she even bent down and told Simon Cowell to kiss her ass.

On her second trip to the American Idol audition stage, Alexis Cohen tried to tone things down by putting on a dress and attempting to act demur to fellow contestants. Alexis Cohen even went as far as to sing a Madonna song during her second American Idol audition. At the end of the say, Alexis Cohen went beck to her old ways and Gave Simon Cowell and the other American Idol judges a double middle finger salute.

Over the weekend, all chances of a re-appearance of Alexis Cohen on Season 9 of American Idol we smashed when she was hit by a car in the streets of Seaside Heights, New Jersey. Police have since arrested a 23-year-old New Jersey man, Daniel Bark, in connection with Saturday morning's hit-and-run death of American Idol contestant Alexis Cohen. Daniel Bark will be charged with death by reckless driving and then leaving the scene of a collision in relation to the death of Alexis Cohen.

If convicted in Alexis Cohen's death, Daniel Bark could serve up to 15 years in jail. Daniel Bark is currently being held in the Ocean County Jail in Toms River on $35,000 bail.

Alexis Cohen was struck by Daniel Bark early Saturday morning in Seaside Heights, New Jersey, and found around 5 a.m. by two passersby, who reported the body to 911. Alexis Cohen was pronounced dead two hours later at the Community Medical Center in Toms River, New Jersey. Autopsy results showed that Alexis Cohen had suffered chest, head and abdominal injuries. Alexis Cohen's body was found 350 yards away from her car, which was parked in a nearby lot. Police said it was unclear if Alexis Cohen was returning to her car when she was struck or if she was just leaving it.

Related links

American Idol Blog - Alexis Cohen dead at 25 - A look back

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Friday, July 24, 2009


Looking at the downloaded torrent Video of the Erin Andrews peephole video it is quite evident the person responsible for filming Erin Andrews naked through a hotel room peephole was familiar with Erin Andrews and her Hotel room activities.

When I looked at the Erin Andrews Peephole video closely (For research purposes only) I immediately noticed several different hotel rooms. Logically, this would indicate the person responsible for video taping Erin Andrews through a Hotel room peephole was part of the same media circuit as Erin Andrews and ESPN. This makes on wonder if the person who video taped Erin Andrews through the hotel room peephole was in fact part of the ESPN staff.

Of course, there are those conspiracy theorists who believe the whole Erin Andrews ESPN Peephole video scandal is nothing more than a publicity stunt for Erin Andrews and that she was fully aware someone was video taping her through the hotel room peephole. Perhaps the Erin Andrews peephole Video Torrent download was planted on the internet by Erin Andrews herself in hope of getting more media attention for her already booming career.

Whatever the source, lawyers and agents for Erin Andrews worked feverishly to remove traces of the Erin Andrews peephole video, which was taped through a hotel room peephole, from the internet. In doing so, Erin Andrews was hoping to stop the spread of the Erin Andrews Naked peephole video through torrent downloads or RapidShare downloads. The thing is, the Erin Andrews Peephole video had already gone viral by the time it was noticed by Erin Andrews. Millions of copies of the Erin Andrews peephole video are floating through the internet alongside those containing malware and viruses. The best bet for anyone is to search for screenshots of the Erin Andrews peephole video, although that may be difficult as it seems even Google image search is filtering out the actual pictures as there are plenty out there. Here are a couple of links


There may be a few harmless ads in these locations, at least there are no viruses or downloads required.

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Wednesday, July 22, 2009

JACKSON FOUR??? OMER BHATTI the fourth Child of Michael Jackson

Aside from the continual search for the NAKED ERIN ANDREWS PEEPHOLE VIDEO AND PLAYBOY PICTURES, the hot topic of the day is going to be the fourth spawn of Michael Jackson. At least he says he is Michael Jacksons' fourth child.

Omer Bhatti, a 25-year-old Norwegian man is claiming to be the fourth child of Michael Jackson and he was born as a result of his mothers' one-night stand with Michael Jackson in 1984. OMER BHATTI is claiming although

nothing came of the relationship between his mother and Michael Jackson, the family have always remained close to Michael Jackson. Reports are even indicating OMER BHATTI sat with the Jackson Family at the Michael Jackson Memorial at the Staples Center earlier this month.

Aside from hunting down the Michael Jackson fortune, OMER BHATTI has made the news in the past for being a Michael Jackson impersonator. OMER BHATTI gained alot of notoriety after he was befriended by Michael Jackson.

Another news article indicates OMER BHATTI has had some some in's with the law. In fact, in 1994 OMER BHATTI was arrested was arrested for possession of small amounts of drugs. The arrest of OMER BHATTI occured less than two weeks before he was scheduled to perform in front of 20,000 soccer youth at Norway Cup’s opening show.

OMER BHATTI is now seeking a DNA test to prove he is the fourth bastard child of Michael Jackson. Regardless of how this turns out, I am sure Michael Jackson's Father, Joe Jackson, will jump all over the opportunity to put together a Jackson 4 tour consisting of the four children of Michael Jackson. To be true to history, Joe Jackson needs only find one more child to make it the Jackson five, a task which would have been made easier had Michael Jackson not been so interested in little boys.

Related links


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Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Caspian Airlines Flight 7908 Tupolev 154 Deadly Crash

Plane Crash Leaves 168 Dead in Iran

A passenger Tupolev 154 bound for Armenia from Iran crashed Wednesday morning 75 miles northwest of Tehran, and all 168 people aboard are believed to be dead, Iranian state media reported.

The Russian-made Tupolev 154 crashed near the city of Qazvin at about 11:30 a.m. local time after leaving Tehran on a flight to Yerevan, the Armenian capital, said Qazvin police chief Hussein Behzadpour, in comments to Iran’s English language Press TV.

The Tupolev 154, operated by Tehran-based Caspian Airlines, was carrying 153 passengers and 15 crew members, state television reported. Television images from the scene showed smoking ruins, with body parts and bits of the plane’s shattered fuselage scattered on the field where the plane crashed. Emergency workers could be seen picking through the wreckage. The crash gouged a trench more than 10 feet deep in the field, near the village of Jannatabad, state news agencies said.

The spokesman for Iran’s Aviation Organization, Reza Jafarzadeh, told Press TV that the Tupolev 154, Flight 7908, crashed 16 minutes after taking off from Tehran’s Imam Khomeini Airport. The cause of the accident is not yet known, and investigators were combing the wreckage Wednesday for the “black box” flight recorders, which contain recordings of the flight crew’s conversations as well as data such as its speed, altitude and heading.

Sirous Saberi, deputy governor of Qazvin province, told Iran’s Mehr news agency that Caspian Airlines Flight 7908 had experienced a technical problem shortly after takeoff and was attempting to return to the airport in Tehran. One unidentified witness told the semi-official ISNA news agency that the plane’s tail was on fire before it landed. Another witness quoted by state television said the plane, which was loaded with fuel, had exploded on impact.

Six Armenian citizens and two Georgian citizens were on Caspian Airlines Flight 7908, and the rest were likely Iranians, The Associated Press reported, citing the deputy chairman of Armenia’s civil aviation authority in Yerevan. Eight members of Iran’s national youth judo team, along with two coaches and a delegation chief, were on Caspian Airlines Flight 7908, on their way to train with the Armenian judo team and attend a competition in Hungary in August, the semi-official Iranian Labor News Agency said.

The head of the disaster management center in Iran’s Health Ministry told state news agencies that all aboard were confirmed dead.

Wednesday’s crash was the first fatal accident for Caspian Airlines, which was founded in 1992 and operated a fleet of six Tupolev 154 airliners, all of which date from the mid-1980s to early 1990s. The aircraft that crashed Wednesday was built in 1986 and was leased to Caspian Airlines in 1998. It is believed to be owned by VARZ-400, a Russian aircraft maintenance and overhaul company, according to Ascend, a London-based aviation industry consulting company.

Iran has a checkered history when it comes to air safety, and many of its deadliest disasters have involved its aging fleet of Soviet-designed planes. In 2006, a Tupolev 154 operated by Iran Airtour burst into flames upon landing in Tehran, killing 29 of the 148 people on board. Airtour, which is affiliated with Iran’s national carrier, suffered another fatal accident in 2002, when another Tupolev-built jet plowed into a mountainside, killing all 119 on board.

In 2005, a Boeing C-130 operated by the Iranian military rammed into a housing complex shortly after takeoff from Tehran’s Mehrabad airport, killing 115 people, including 21 on the ground.

With no domestic aviation industry, Iran is dependent on foreign manufacturers for its planes. But trade sanctions in place for the past three decades have hampered access to spare parts as well as purchases of more modern aircraft, particularly from American manufacturers like Boeing. In 2005, the International Civil Aviation Organization, an arm of the United Nations, warned that sanctions flouted international treaties and placed civilian lives in danger.

Caspian Airlines passed an operational safety audit in 2007 by the International Air Transport Association, which approved the airline’s overall safety standards and procedures, including those of its engineering and aircraft maintenance operations. The airline is due to seek renewal of its safety certification by the end of November.

Wednesday’s crash is the eighth fatal accident suffered by the Tupolev 154 in the past 10 years, including one, in 2004, that was the result of a terrorist attack on a Russian carrier. Since entering service in 1971, the Tupolev 154 has suffered 54 crashes, resulting in the deaths of 2,602 passengers and 258 crew members, according to Ascend.

A passenger list of those who died in the plane crash in Iran of Caspian Airlines flight 7908 has not yet been released

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

SHAKE AND BAKE ONE POT METH RECIPE increasing in popularity

There is a new METHod for making Crystal Meth called "SHAKE AND BAKE METH" or "ONE POT METH." As this new SHAKE AND BAKE METH recipe is easier and portable Meth manufacturing may explode beyond the control of local authorities.

The new Shake and Bake Meth recipe involved the use of a pop bottle or any other sealed vessel. Typically those making Meth using the Shake and Bake, or One Pot Method will drive around town in their car so the toxic fumes can escape through the windows.

There are several new risks associated with this new Shake and Bake Meth recipe. Aside from the obvious mobile bomb factor, the most obvious is the fumes. The chemicals involved are caustic, corrosive, and carcinogenic. Exposure causes airway irritation, eye and skin burning, nausea, headaches, and dizziness. Long term exposure has been linked to liver and kidney cancer.

To add to the risk, this new recipe for making Crystal Meth brings an increased risk to children and those collecting and recycling bottles. Authorities are warning everyone to keep an eye out for bottles containing a brown crystal like residue at the bottom. In addition to containing toxins, discarded Shake and Bake Meth bottles can be very volatile and may be subject to explosion. Everyone is being given instructions to contact local Hazmat authorities and police upon discovery of a potential Shake and Bake Bottle.

Drivers are also being encouraged to be aware of the vehicles around them. If you smell anything odd or notice strange and erratic behavior, please notify the police immediately. Mobile Shake and Bake labs are very volatile and pose a serious risk to everyone around them.

Sunday, July 12, 2009


Was Michael Jackson's death and accidental overdose or Homicide? This is the most recent question to join the many questions over the recent death of Michael Jackson. It has already become abundantly clear Michael Jackson most likely dies of a prescription drug overdose of some sort. Although it is currently unclear as to which drug killed Micheal Jackson and whether or not this was accidental or done as some sort of way to make money off Michael Jackson's withering estate.

One thing for sure, the cancellation of Michael Jackson's 50 date concert stint at London's O2 Arena will definitely cost someone a substantial chunk of money. Current estimates indicate AEG Live will be on the hook for over £300 million in liability over ticket sales to the Michael Jackson O2 Arena shows which were scheduled to begin tomorrow (July 13th, 2009.) The Michael Jackson O2 Arena shows were scheduled to run until February of 2010.

Reports from back in March of 2009 indicated concert promoters responsible for the Michael Jackson O2 Arena shows were having a hard time obtaining insurance for the event. It was suggested AEG self insured the dates in hopes that Michael Jackson's deteriorating health would not be an issue for the 7 month stretch of Michael Jackson concerts, marketed as the "This Is It tour". Promotions included promises of stage costumes studded with 300,000 Swarovski crystals and a stage move to succeed Michael Jackson's famous “moonwalk”.

Of course there are always those conspiracy theorists who like to create stories based around loose speculation in order to legitimize claims that Michael Jackson is in fact still alive. To add fuel to the fire of the Michael Jackson conspiracy theories, is a report that a combination of managers, advisers, concert promoters and those seeking to recover his debts, had let events around the Michael Jackson O2 Arena shows spiral out of Michael Jackson’s control. Prior to his death, Michael Jackson was reported as saying “I don’t know how I’m going to do 50 shows, I’m really angry.”

As for the prescription drugs which may or may not have killed Michael Jackson, a nurse/nutritionist who treated Michael Jackson prior to his death spoke out publicly about her fears that Jackson had gotten his hands on a powerful sedative called Diprivan or Propofol that's used in hospitals. An ex guard of Michael Jackson's indicated Michael Jackson often consumed as many as 30 to 40 Xanax pills per night in order to deal with his bouts of Insomnia. Add to that, rumours of several other prescription drugs consumed by Michael Jackson in his dying days, Michael Jackson's death could very easily be the result of someone in the Michael Jackson inner circle taking advantage of a known drug problem or a legitimate accidental drug overdose. Whatever the cause of Michael Jackson's death, the Coroner's department is keeping results and theories under a tight wrap until the final results of Michael Jackson's autopsy and potential criminal investigation are revealed.

Those doubting the potential of an insurance based homicide need mearly look at recent reports in relation to the death of Guitar God Jimi Hendrix which indicate James "Tappy" Wright spoke of Hendrix's manager, Michael Jeffrey, drunkenly confessing to killing Jimi Hendrix by stuffing pills into his mouth and washing them down with several bottles of red wine because he feared Hendrix intended to dump him for a new manager.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009


Today's hot news is an announcement from the Googleplex indicating Googles plan to launch their very own GOOGLE OPERATING SYSTEM. Google OS is an extension of Google Chrome which will reduce overhead by leaving all the applications online. Calculators, video players, word processors and the like will all be webbased in the Google Chrome OS world.

Build ontop of a Linux Kernal, Google Chrome OS will boot up faster and more reliably that everyone's most favorite to complain about BillyWare (aka Windows).

Internet based operating systems are not a completely new concept. Good OS has had a similar project under development for about a year now. "Cloud" is also a Linux based Operating system which is targeted at purely web based applications cush as web books. The concept being, the operating system boots up quickly and efficiently logging the user onto the internet faster than traditional operating systems.

The reaction to Google's Google OS project is mixed, many from the Linux community are quoted as saying "Google OS, no thanks we have Ubuntu." The main are of concern being privacy and how Google OS will use your private information. It is common knowledge that Google uses content based advertising in many of their products. Therefor, the concern is how much space on the Google OS Desktop will be utilized by advertising and how we will soon be obliterated by ads everywhere we go.

Other concerns rotate around how the Google operating system would function without the internet. No Internet??? This is not an unknown concept, yesterday I was left without Internet for at least 3 hours while the local cable company stumbled around finding the cause. Of course Google OS being open source, and based on a Linux Kernal, I'm sure Open Office and the various other Linux aps will work fine.

Personally, I think the Google OS is bringing the masses one step further away from society's unnatural reliance on Billyware.

Sunday, July 5, 2009


4th of July in "The Happiest Place on Earth" turned out to be a train wreck... quite literally.

At approximately 2AM on July 5th 2009, a DISNEY WORLD MONORAIL was involved in a fatal accident. The Monorail crash occurred when the driver of one of the Disney World Monorails crashed his train into the back-end of another train. The rear-end Monorail crash resulted in the death of the driver who subsequently had to be cut out of the Mono Rail cab.

According to Disney Officials, this is the first Crash involving a Disney World Monorail in the 38 year history of the ride. The Disney World Monorail accident occurred on the EPCOT Monorail line near the Disney World Parking Lot.

The driver of the other Disney World Monorail train was taken to hospital ut apparently survived the monorail crash without injuries. In addition, 5 guests and 2 other Disney World cast members, onboard at the time of the Disney World Monorail crash, left the monorail crash scene without injuries.

VP of Public Affairs for Disney World Florida, Mike Griffin said in a statement "Today, we mourn the loss of our fellow cast member. Our hearts go out to his family and to those who have lost a friend and co-worker. The safety of our guests and cast members is always our top priority. The monorail is out of service as we continue to work closely with law enforcement to determine what happened and the appropriate next steps,"

The names of any injured guests and cast members on board the Disney World monorail which crashed early Sunday Morning have not been released. The Disney World Monorail line is now closed as officials investigate the cause of the Orlando Florida Disney World Monorail Crash.

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disney world monorail accident disney world monorail crash, disney world monorail, orlando news, monorail accident, disney world monorail accident monorail disney, disney monorail, disney monorail crash, disney monorail accident, monorail disney monorail crash disney world monorail crash, disney monorail accident, monorail accident, disney monorail, orlando sentinel

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

The Michael Jackson Life and Death Saga continues

Being as famous as he was, it was inevitable there would be some sort o ongoing saga after the death of Michael Jackson. Who, however, would have know it would continue on and get so tumultuous. There are several aspects to this story so hold on tight, this is going to be one hell of a merry-go-round ride through Neverland Ranch.

Speaking of Neverland Ranch, Recent news indicate Michael Jackson's Neverland Ranch will be open on friday for a public viewing of the dead body of Michael Jackson. This is kind of odd considering, when alive, the very recluse Michael Jackson always shied away from the camera eye. Often covering himself and the faces of his children with masks blankets, towels and anything he could find to keep the public from seeing his deteriorating state and the faces of his children. Perhaps in his insanity, Michael Jackson was trying to protect his three children, Michael Joseph Jackson Jr., (aka Prince Michael;) Paris-Michael Katherine Jackson; and Prince Michael Jackson II (aka Blanket.)

MICHAEL JACKSON BOOKS- Get them While they last

Looking at his actions, one might think Michael Jackson was being modest and protective of his children. Then there is the names. A modest man does not include his first name in the names of all his children, even his "daughter", Paris, has Michael (not Michelle) as her middle name. Ya, ok we all know Michael Jackson was a few bricks short of a load. But who can blame him being raised in such a twisted environment.

That brings us to the next topic, Joseph Jackson (Joe Jackson, not the honkey singer.) In interviews and the 1988 Michael Jackson autobiography, Michael Jackson often spoke of the very negative aspects of growing up as part of the Jackson 5, referring to his father Joe Jackson as a "Mystery Man".

Growing up in Gary Indiana was not easy for the Jackson family. Michael's earliest vivid memory of his father was when Joe Jackson came home fro work at the steel mill with a Big bag of doughnuts. This was one of the few positive memories, aside from that there were constant beatings with either a belt or a switch and often his fathers hand. Michael Jackson and his siblings were forced to practice day and night. This left very little room for life as a child.

When one looks back at this abusive childhood, clarity of Michael Jackson's "adult" life come clear. Is it any wonder Michael Jackson strived so much for the life of a child? Is this, perhaps, the reason Michael Jackson tried so hard to shelter his children from the limelight which robbed him of his childhood?

Taking all that into consideration, one has to wonder over the courts' decision to grant temporary custody of Michael Jackson's three children, Michael Joseph Jackson Jr., (Prince Michael,) 12; Paris-Michael Katherine Jackson, 11; and Prince Michael Jackson II (Blanket,) to the abusive father who was at least partly responsible for the freakish outcome of Michael Jackson.

This brings us to the next part of the story, the Custody of Michael Jackson's three children, Michael Joseph Jackson Jr., (Prince Michael,) 12; Paris-Michael Katherine Jackson, 11; and Prince Michael Jackson II (Blanket.) On one side is Katherine Jackson, Michael Jackson's 79-year-old mother, who has been a constant in Michael Jackson's often turbulent career and personal life. On the other is Debbie Rowe, Michael Jackson's second wife (After Lisa Marie Presley,) who has maintained her distance from the family since divorcing Michael Jackson in 1999. Although full custody of Michael Jackson's three children, Michael Joseph Jackson Jr., (Prince Michael,) 12; Paris-Michael Katherine Jackson, 11; and Prince Michael Jackson II(Blanket) was given to Michael Jackson, Ex wife, Debbie Rowe maintained parental rights over the two older children.

Whatever the case, Michael Jackson's Last will and testament will be revealed which is expected to be filed in court this week. Although Michael Jackson's Will will most likely indicate his wishes for the care of his children, those wishes would not necessarily be legally binding and only "a factor" in the custody of Michael Jackson's three children, according California attorney Gloria Allred.

Los Angeles Superior Court Judge Mitchell Beckloff ruled that, at least for now, Katherine Jackson would get custody of Michael Jackson's three children, Michael Joseph Jackson Jr., known as Prince Michael, 12; Paris-Michael Katherine Jackson, 11; and Prince Michael Jackson II, 7. This is a ruling which Debbie Rowe and any other interesting parties could easily challenge in the future.

Michael Jackson's 7-year-old will was filed Wednesday in a Los Angeles court, giving his entire estate to a family trust and cutting out Michael Jackson's ex-wife Debbie Rowe. Michael Jackson's will, dated July 7, 2002, estimated his estate at that time at more than $500 million.

In his Will, Michael Jackson names his mother, Katherine Jackson, as the beneficiary of the trust and the guardian of Michael Jackson's three children. Further down in Michael Jackson's Will, Michael Jackson named life-long friend and entertainer Diana Ross as a successor guardian for the Jackson Three and their estates.

The current value of Michael Jackson's estate is unknown, however, one of Michael Jackson's most lucrative assets is his stake in the Sony-ATV Music Publishing Catalog, which includes music by various artists including the Beatles, Bob Dylan, Neil Diamond, Lady Gaga and the Jonas Brothers. This holding alone is estimated to be worth as much as $2 billion.

At this time, neither Debbie Rowe nor her attorneys have indicated whether she intends to seek custody of the two oldest children or appeal the contents of Michael Jackson's Will.

This brings us to the "other interested parties." There has often been speculation that Michael Jackson's three children are not in fact his biological children. There are rumours indicating Michael Jackson was not involved in any way in the conception of THE JACKSON THREE. In fact, there is an apparent sperm donor involved and Michael Jackson's ex wife, Debbie Rowe, refuses to reveal the identity of the true father of Michael Jackson's children (THE JACKSON THREE.) At this point, there is no indication of a "Biological Father of Michael Jackson's children" (THE JACKSON THREE) has stepped forward and layed claim to the Michael Jackson children and the Michael Jackson fortune that comes with them.

If Debbie Rowe,is in fact given custody to the older 2 Michael Jackson children, Michael Joseph Jackson Jr., known as Prince Michael, 12; Paris-Michael Katherine Jackson, 11, one has to wonder what will happen to 7 year-old Prince Michael Jackson II (aka Blanket.) Will the Jackson Three be split up? Will the courts grant Debbie Rowe custody of the third child? Will all the children remain in the household of father Joe Jackson, the place which Michael avoided when he moved into the Neverland Ranch? What about those other "Interested parties"? Perhaps Michael Jackson's siblings will step up to the plate and take over for Michael Jackson in the caring for the Michael Jackson Children (The Jackson Three.) Maybe even the mysterious sperm donor and "Real father" of Michael Jackson's Children will come out of hiding, realising the value in the custody of the Jackson Three and the fortune and fame that will inevitably follow the Michael Jackson children for much of their life.

Of course, there is still the Michael Jackson autopsy to go though. There has been plenty of speculation on a leaked Michael Jackson Autopsy which details of can be found here. Now Michael Jackson's father, Joe Jackson, is talking about a second autopsy of Michael Jackson.

As for cause of death, there is of course the many shots of Demerol Michael Jackson subjected his body to, on a daily basis. Recent reports indicate Michael Jackson may have also been taking sleeping pills and in fact was begging for some more, on the night of his death. Whether these rumoured sleeping pills were in addition to the daily shots of Demerol or accompanied by a wine (aka Jesus Juice) chaser is unknown.

All rumours and mysteries aside, Michael Jackson is in fact dead. Fans of the late pop star, the world over, are mourning in disbelief over the death of Michael Jackson. Perhaps, many of these fans are on their way to a vigil outside the Late Michael Jackson's home (The Neverland Ranch) in preparation for the Friday viewing of Michael Jackson's dead body. Those fans who can't make it to the public viewing of Michael Jackson's body and the morbid alike are now scouring the Internet for PICTURES OF MICHAEL JACKSON's AUTOPSY or MICHAEL JACKSON AUTOPSY PHOTO's.

After the PUBLIC VIEWING OF MICHAEL JACKSON's BODY AT NEVERLAND RANCH on Friday, it is rumoured that Michael Jackson's body will be moved back to Gary Indiana for burial where a private memorial service is scheduled for Sunday. The location of Michael Jackson's final resting place and funeral is unknown, or being kept secret, at this time. Wherever the final resting place of Michael Jackson ends up being, it is sure to become a pilgrimage for Michael Jackson fans for years to come.

Related Michael Jackson Links

Michael Jackson Confirmed Dead at 50 - The Story Breaks

Questions Surround the Death of Michael Jackson

Michael Jackson Autopsy Results - Pictures of Michael Jackson