Friday, April 16, 2010

Airplanes fall out of European sky as a result of Eyjafjallajokull Volcano Eruption in Iceland

The dust cloud caused by an Icelandic Eyjafjallajokull Volcano is now covering Europe and causing more than allergy reactions as thousands of European travelers are finding their flights delayed or even cancelled as several Airports have closed their doors and delayed flights.

Although it has not been mentioned, the flight delays and cancellations will have a ripple effect felt around the world for quite some time as travellers search to find alternate ways to get home.

At this time, Lufthansa seems to have effected most travelers with the complete closure of Frankfurt International Airport and resulting cancellation of all flights both coming in and going out of Frankfurt International Airport.

Other Airports either closed or with serious flight restrictions caused by the Eyjafjallajokull Volcano dust cloud include Copenhagen Airport, Helsinki Vantaa airport, Frankfurt-Hahn Airport, Hamburg Airport, Bremen Airport, Prague Airport, Brussels Airport, Hanover Airport, Muenster/Osnabrueck Airport, Salzburg and Linz Airport, Vienna Airport, Geneva Airport, Norway’s Olso Airport, Dusseldorf Airport and Cologne.

In addition, all 25 airports being operated by Finavia have had been shut down as a result of the Eruption of the Eyjafjallajokull Volcano in Iceland. Further information on the Finlavia closures will not be available until at least tomorrow.

The complete list of European Airports which are closed as a result of Iceland's Eyjafjallajokull Volcano is growing. Suffice to say, if you or someone you know is planning on flying in or out of Mid or Northern Europe today, you can pretty much forget about it as the volcanic dust cloud from.

The dust cloud from Eyjafjallajokull Volcano in Iceland is also effecting the UK as airports in Scotland have been shut down effective today which is sending a shockwave throughout England as flights in and out of Liverpool, Manchester, Stansted, Birmingham, East Midlands, Bristol, Luton, Gatwick and Heathrow International Airport have also been effected by the eruption of the Eyjafjallajokull Volcano in Iceland.

Like the European skies, it is unclear how long air traffic in and out of Europe will be in Chaos as a result of the 2010 Eyjafjallajokull Volcano eruption in Iceland. We will continue to search for live video footage and webcams of the Eyjafjallajokull Volcanic eruption in Iceland.

Aside from frantic travellers who are stranded as a result of the Eyjafjallajokull Volcano eruption airport closures searching for available hotel rooms in the already swamped region, there will be some new coming out with regard to ticket refunds. You see, many airlines and insurance companies have "Act of God" or "Natural Disaster" exclusions which could leave many already cash strapped travellers with the unexpected expense of having to purchase another ticket just to get home. This is no small event people.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Corey Haim dead at 38 of Drug Overdose

Early reports indicate Accidental Prescription drug overdose as the cause of Corey Haim's death

Corey Haim best known for his role alongside Corey Feldman in the cult classic The Lost Boys has died today of an apparent accidental prescription drug overdose.

The fact Corey Haim died as a result of drugs was not a surprise to many who knew Corey Haim. In fact in a 2004 interview with Britain’s The Sun newspaper, Corey Haim spoke openly about his drug abuse problems saying he smoked his first joint on the set of The Lost Boys. The article reported Corey Haim had been in and out of rehab at least 15 times.

Corey Haim was quoted as saying “I lived in L.A. in the Eighties, which was not the best place to be. I did cocaine for about a year and a half, then it led to crack.”

In the moments prior to the death of Corey Haim, His mother was with him. According to reports Corey Haim got up and felt weak, Corey Haims mother then helped Corey Haim on to the bed. After which she called paramedics. Corey Haim was pronounced dead at 2:15 am PST.

More recently, Corey Haim was also known for his role alongside Lost Boys co-star Corey Feldman in "The Two Corey's"

Reports have Corey Haim's mother being recently diagnosed with Cancer. Canadian Born Corey Haim was staying with his mother in her LA home at the time of his death.

The Coroners report has yet to release the official cause of Corey Haim's Death.

Friday, February 12, 2010

Fatal Luge Accident Video & Details

The Vancouver 2010 Winter Olympic games has started off on a sombre note for the now 21 member Georgian Olympic team. This after 21-year-old Georgian Luger, Nodar Kumaritashvili died in a tragic luge crash in Whistler British Columbia. The Whistler Luge track has been criticized by many as being too difficult and far too fast for the sport. Even the spokesperson for the International Luge Federation expressed his concern over the now deadly Whistler British Columbia Luge Track.

It seems, there are several steep turns which expose the Luger's to slips which cannot be recovered from. 21-year-old Georgian Luger, Nodar Kumaritashvili was not the first Luger to have problems on the Whistler Luge track as several Athletes have either voiced their concern or had varying degree's of accidents on the Whistler Luge track. 21-year-old Georgian Luger Nodar Kumaritashvili, on the other hand, was the first to die as a result of an accident on the Whistler Luge track. Since the fatal accident of 21-year-old Georgian Luger Nodar Kumaritashvili, Vancouver 2010 and IOC officials as well as the Coroners office are working feverishly to look into the cause of the fatal luge accident which took the life of 21-year-old Georgian Luger Nodar Kumaritashvili. At this point, officials are looking at constructing wall extensions around the more dangerous corners such as the one which took the life of 21-year-old Georgian Luger Nodar Kumaritashvili. Millions of fans and curious around the world are now searching for the video reportedly posted on YouTube of the fatal accident which resulted in the death of 21-year-old Georgian Luger Nodar Kumaritashvili. For those looking, I have posted a local television stations' footage of the Nodar Kumaritashvili's fatal Luge accident. The Video of 21-year-old Georgian Luger Nodar Kumaritashvili Luge accident is located at the top of this post, no download required, just the footage.

During the opening Ceremonies of the Vancouver 2010 Winter Olympic games, the crowd of thousands sat in respectful silence as all of BC place mourned the loss of 21-year-old Georgian Luger Nodar Kumaritashvili. As a sign of their sorrow, the Georgian Olympic team tied a black ribbon around their flag as the walked into the opening ceremonies. Their courage was acknowledged by all those attending who gave the relatively small Georgian Olympic team a standing ovation. After the Accident, the team decided they would continue into the games and compete in the honour of their fallen comrade. The video of the Fatal Luge Accident in Whistler which resulted in the death of Georgian Luger Nodar Kumaritashvili is below. There were some techincal difficulties with the Luge accident video which have now been fixed. The full video of the the fatal accident of Georgian Luger Nodar Kumaritashvili is here

Video of Georgian Luger Nodar Kumaritashvili fatal accident

Vancouver 2010 Winter Olympic Games Opening Ceremony set to go

The world is gathering in Vancouver Canada for the Opening ceremonies of the Vancouver 2010 Winter Olympic games. The scene is a combination of excitement, protest and indifference among citizens of the 2010 Winter Olympic Games as the Olympic torch makes its' way through downtown Vancouver.

During the torches' trek through East Vancouver (The poorer part of town) Protesters and supporters gathered around the Olympic Flame expressing their views in a free and democratic manner. Regardless of your view on the Olympic games or the Olympic organizing committee, Canadians can be proud to know they have the freedom to express their views and not be shot by soldiers or driven over by tanks.

The price of freedom, on the other hand, has definitely driven up the overall cost of the Vancouver 2010 Winter Olympic games. For example, when protesters vandalized the Olympic clock, located outside the Vancouver Art Gallery, Vancouver 2010 Olympic Winter Games organizers hired 24/7 guard service to babysit the costly landmark.

Combine those expenses with the unexpected cost of trucking and flying snow onto Cyprus Mountain for the Freestyle ski competitions, the Vancouver 2010 Winter Olympic games are definitely going over budget... although the Vancouver 2010 Winter Olympic Games organizers are stating otherwise.

So that brings us to Cyprus bowl. At last report, it was raining at the Vancouver 2010 Winter Olympic Freestyle skiing venue. Earlier on in the week, Vancouver 2010 Winter Olympic Games organizers shut the mountain down and did not allow Olympic Athletes to practice there. This move added fuel to the already smoldering fire amongst the anti-Vancouver 2010 Winter Olympic Games protester crowd.

Although the Vancouver 2010 Winter Olympic Games organizing committee attempted to hush the whispers by stating all problems were being dealt with and they were just being overcautious, the temperature on the North Shore Mountains continued to rise as the rain set it.

Whatever the case, the Vancouver 2010 Winter Olympic games are going ahead as planned and the Vancouver 2010 Winter Games opening ceremony is slated for later on this afternoon. Early reports have BC Place decked out for the lavish event which will include performances by local musicians and appearances of the latest who's who.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Late Winter snow shuts down much of North America... But not Vancouver BC the future home of the Vancouver 2010 Freestyle Olympic Mud skiing events

While Vancouver Canada is struggling to fly snow into the local mountains for the Vancouver 2010 Winter Olympic games many other parts of North America are suffering through snow storms. The most notable of the snow related situations is happening in Dallas Texas where local schools are being closed in Dallas as well as Plano as a result of an early February snowfall in the Lonestar state.

Above you can see a TXDOT Texas traffic webcam shot of the snow falling in Texas. To help you keep apprised of the situation, I am including a couple of live Texas Webcams of the cnow falling in Texas

In comparison, Cyprus Bowl, the home of the Vancouver 2010 Freestyle skiing competition has seen a mere 5 CM or 2 Inches of snow in the last 24 hours. Add that to exlusive HTBW inside information on the snow crisis on Cyprus bowl where Helicopters flying snow in from the top of the mountain are seeing it melt away by the time they come in with the next load of snow. At this rate, the Vancouver 2010 Freestyle competition may very well become a mud skiing event.

So poor are the snow conditions on Cyprus bowl that VANOC organizers are not letting anyone up the hill to take pictures. In addition, they are not allowing the athletes to even practice on the hill as they "want to preserve the snow that is up there." As the official word says. For more on the Vancouver 2010 Winter Olympic Games, check out the HTBW Vancouver 2010 Winter Olympic Games site. As you can see from the Live Webcamera from Vancouver BC, the home of the Vancouver 2010 Winter Olympic games, Vancouver is far from wintery.

In other parts of North America, Delaware has declared a state of Emergency due to the massive amounts of snow falling and building up in the area. At 12:01 Wednesday Morning, Governor Markell. All non-essential vehicles must stay off the roads. Essential personnel such as police, rescue workers, emergency workers, as well as members of the media are the only ones allowed to drive during a state of emergency.

The Delaware State of Emergency declaration officially goes as follows:

Essential personnel shall include authorized personnel responding to the state of emergency, peace officers, emergency management or rescue personnel, medical personnel, utility personnel, snow clearance and building and systems maintenance personnel, members of the media, carriers and drivers of commercial motor vehicles transporting commodities such as heating oil, propane, gasoline and salt, or staple grocery supplies to food stores, or deliveries of agricultural products necessary to maintain the life of livestock, and employees of critical 24/7 facilities such as health care facilities, commercial facilities and correctional institutions

Other parts of North America are also being hit hard by this late snowfall. I heard Newfoundland was hit by snow quite hard as was other parts of Eastern Canada. Vancouver, on the other hand, is seeing above freezing temperatures of around 8 or 9 degree's Celsius (According to Bob and Doug, the conversion method is Double it and add 30) that is 46F, people. Even Cyprus Bowl, the home to the Vancouver 2010 Winter Olympic freestyle Mud skiing events is well above freezing, so that 2" snowfall will soon be melted away by the rain.

Friday, February 5, 2010

Vancouver 2010 Winter Olympic Games - Snow... What snow?

With the Vancouver 2010 Winter Olympic games days away local Vancouver 2010 Organizers (VANOC) are doing a great job of showing their poker face. With the Weather in the Metro Vancouver region at season highs, VANOC is trying their best to ensure the games go off without a hitch.

From high security road closures to trucking in snow from not so nearby Manning Park, the Vancouver 2010 Winter Olympic Organizing committee has their hands in so many pots, it is hard to keep track of all the money flowing from the rapidly diminishing Vancouver 2010 Winter Olympic Games coffers.

From day one, the reaction to Vancouver winning the 201o Winter Olympic Games bid have been mixed. Being fairly split in the political spectrum, the left side has argued against what they call wasteful government spending while the right has been anxiously awaiting the promise “Big Olympic Payout” for local business and Industry.
Although one can definitely argue for the positive effects on the construction industry, the left also has an equal amount of ammunition in the increase in the Cost of Living in an already expensive region to live and work in. Add to that the ever billowing cost overruns the Vancouver 2010 Winter Games may well go down in History as the biggest flop.

Now for what is on everyone’s mind, the lack of snow in Metro Vancouver, particularly the North Shore Mountains and Cypress Bowl (The location for the Freestyle ski competitions.) To get a picture of the seriousness of the weather one need simply look at the 7 day forecast for the Vancouver region. With predicted highs around 8 or 9 degree’s Celsius (Well above freezing) and lows only getting down to 3 Degrees Celsius (Still above freezing). The very slim possibility of precipitation will at most be a spring rain with lots of mud for the skier’s to slide down.

Of Course, the Vancouver 2010 Olympic Winter Games organizing committee is doing their best to limit the damage of the warmer weather and muddy hills by trucking in hundreds of truckloads of snow from not so nearby Manning Park. This combined with the constantly running snowmakers is eating a very big hole in the Vancouver 2010 Olympic Winter Games contingency fund.

Add to this, lower than expected accommodation bookings and the promised boost to the Vancouver tourism industry may very well be a flash in the pan. Of course the Vancouver 2010 Winter Olympic Games Organizing committee still has the income from over priced poorly made souvenir trinkets (Made in China) to fall back on. Seriously, I checked out one of the local Trinket barns at the local Bay to find pins which cost a maximum of 2 cents to make going for anywhere from $10 to $30. The clincher was a “Collectors edition” Teddy bear which was going for close to $300. With prices like that and the lack of availability of tickets for locals to attend the games, one has to wonder “What is in it for us?”

There are, however, some local businesses hoping to make a few extra dollars off the event. Steve, the owner of Granville Island Boat Rentals, for example, has just put a 12 passenger covered and heated boat into the water hoping to ease the pain of commuters having to make the trek through the heavily restricted roadways of Vancouver. Having felt the brunt of the drop in consumer spending and European tourism, Steve is hoping his investment will pan out. For those interested, Granville Island Boat Rentals is located right below Bridges Restaurant and close to Granville Island market.

Mario, of Mario’s Gelati (A local favorite for fans of high quality Italian Ice Cream) is not counting on any substantial boosts to his business. Being in the “Red Zone” just doors away from the Olympic Village, Mario has found himself behind an iron curtain of sorts. Surrounded by wire fence, Mario is hopeful the Vancouver 2010 Organizers will continue to leave a pathway to his retail outlet as well as his Shipping bays. Failing that, the Organizers of the Vancouver 2010 Winter Olympic Games will not only cut visitors and athletes off from Mario’s delicious Italian Gelato, the will also effectively be cutting off a supply chain to many local restaurants who rely on the Daily delivery of fresh Italian Gelato.

On the other side of the coin, the Vancouver 2010 Winter Olympic Games Organizing committee, along with local governments, have gone through substantial lengths to ensure locals and visitors alike have plenty of opportunities to take in on the festivities of the Vancouver 2010 Winter Olympic Games. With many free things to do during the Vancouver 2010 Winter Olympic Games (Aside from hunting down Vancouver 2010 Olympic Events Ticket Scalpers) it is hoped the Vancouver 2010 Winter Olympic Games will be a positive and memorable experience for locals and visitors alike.
Labeled the Vancouver 2010 Cultural Olympiad events are being held any many local parks with the hope of calming the protests and creating a fun and memorable experience for locals to remember for the years to come as they continue to pay off the massive debt created by VANOC. For a list of Vancouver 2010 Cultural Olympiad events, check out the VANOC site.

Protesters and critics of the Vancouver 2010 Winter Olympic Games alike are joining in the festivities by creating several events of their own. Look for them at various Vancouver 2010 Winter Olympic events. They will be easily recognizable by their placards declaring a lack of support for the homeless and unemployed as well as various Social housing and Free Heroin for junkies related causes. Be careful not to follow these protesters too closely unless you like the feeling of a Police Taser gun or a rubber truncheon up your backside.

Here are some more pictures of the road to Cyprus Bowl the site of the Free Style Mud skiing competition. The security chicks had me stopped about 3/4 of the way up. I was hoping to catch a picture of one of the snow dump trucks, but they were gone for the day.