Friday, July 4, 2008

Making your own ice cream - No Expensive Ice cream maker required

OK, this is a little different for this blog, but hey why not.... It is the 4th of July after all

No need to purchase an ice cream maker when you and your kids can have fun making your own ice cream by using coffee cans, rock salt, and ice!
This recipe is the same we grew up using with my dad who loved to break it out as a scout master! It is especially great with children because they'll love rolling the can back and forth to make their own ice cream!

Yields 2 cups ice cream.


1 pint half and half
1 1/2 teaspoons vanilla
1/3 cup, plus 2 tablespoons sugar
Optional: Place a few crumbled cookies, nuts, or other mix-ins

1 lb. coffee can
3 lb. coffee can
1/2 cup rock salt


In a clean and dry 1 lb. coffee can, pour half and half, vanilla, sugar, and optional mix-ins. Place lid securely on can. Tape lid with duct tape as a precautionary.

Place 1 lb. coffee can into the empty and dry 3 lb. coffee can. Begin layering salt and ice until the 3 lb. coffee can is completely full. Place lid securely on lid. Tape lid with duct tape.

Roll coffee can on the ground for a minimum of 10-20 minutes. Check to see if it is the correct texture. If not, secure again (with fresh ice and salt if needed) and roll some more!

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