Sunday, June 7, 2009


A THAI NEWSPAPER, the THAI RATH has released a PICTURE OF the late actor DAVID CARRADINE HANGING in his hotel room. Speculation is already floating around about DAVID CARRADINE COMMITTING SUICIDE BY HANGING HIMSELF and this picture may add fuel to the fire. The odd thing about the THAI RATH picture of DAVID CARRADINE HANGING (if it is indeed a PICTURE OF DAVID CARRADINE HANGING) it seems David's hands are bound.

Aside from the near impossibility of tieing his own hands, the question arises, if DAVID CARRADINE was to hang himself, why would he do it in such a fashion?

72 year old David Carradine starred in the 1970s-era U.S. television show "Kung Fu" and the more recent "Kill Bill" movies. His body was discovered on Thursday by a maid in the Bangkok hotel suite where David Carradine was staying while filming the upcoming movie "Stretch."

The family of David Carradine has asked U.S. authorities to help unravel the mystery of his death, amid conflicting reports about how DAVID CARRADINE's body was found HANGING naked in a Bangkok hotel.

Some rumours say David Carradine was found Castrated as his Genitalia had been cut off Pre-mortum.

Related Links

"Stretch" Producers work on re-write since the death / murder of David Carradine

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David Carradine death photo, david carradine photo, david carradine s, david carradine hanging photo, david carradine hanging, david carradine hanging photo. David carradine picture, thairath david carradine carradine death photo, carradine hanging, thairath carradine, thai rath david carradine forensic photo. Thai rath carradine thai rath, thai rath carradine, thai rath newspaper, carradine hanging photo, david carradine death photo. David Carradine Genitalia penis nuts cut off. David Carradine Sex rumour.

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