Saturday, September 12, 2009

Erin Andrews Peephole Video - The Oprah Interview

Speaking on what she called the first and last time she would be talking about the subject, ESPN Sportscaster Erin Andrews spoke with Oprah Winfrey on the whole Leaked Erin Andrews Peephole Video scandal. "I just felt like I was continuing to be victimized. I did nothing wrong" said Erin Andrews, the subject of the Peephole Video which was recorded in several hotel rooms without her knowledge.

Recalling the first time she saw the Leaked peephole video of herself naked, Erin Andrews said "It's been a nightmare, I opened up the computer [and] could feel my heart pounding."

Erin Andrews vividly remembers feeling as if her career was over when she phoned her parents after first seeing the peep hole video of herself naked in a hotel room "... they - they thought I was physically injured how bad I was screaming."

The peephole video first appeared on search engine trends back in February but did not catch anyone's attention until someone speculated the subject of the peephole video looked alot like Erin Andrews. Rumours soon started to fly and the Erin Andrews Peephole Video was at the top of Google for 2 to 3 weeks in July.

Since the discovery of the Erin Andrews Peephole Video, reps for Erin Andrews have been trying feverishly to stop the spread of the actual Erin Andrews Peephole video. There are, however, several copies of the Erin Andrews Peephole Video available for download through BitTorrent or RapidShare. Those looking for a quick peek at some screenshots of the Erin Andrews Peephole video can see them here


I know it can be quite traumatic for Erin Andrews being the subject of a Naked Hoitel Room Peephole Video. I have no doubt Erin Andrews did feel quite violated when she first saw the Peephole Video of herself surface on the Internet. The thing is, prior to this whole Peephole Video thing, Erin Andrews was a fairly localised sports celebrity.

Fact of the matter is, I did not even know who she was nor did millions of people overseas. To look at the positive side of a bad thing, this Erin Andrews Peephole Video has boosted the career of Erin Andrews. Yes, it may have been embarrasing, however, as Erin Andrews said - She did nothing wrong. There is nothing slutty happening in the Erin Andrews Peephole Video... She is just getting ready for work. Peeping Tom illegalities aside, my suggestion is, Erin Andrews should take this whole Peephole Video scandal as the publicity career boosting opportunity it is. The simple fact that Erin Andrews Peephole Video is at the top of Google, yet again, indicates Erin Andrews is a hot commodity. Perhaps deserving of a raise for the publicity she is getting for ESPN.

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