Saturday, May 3, 2008

Tracy Denise Roberson cried rape when caught with lover is convicted

Tracy Roberson's false claim of rape got her lover killed by her husband in 2006, and on Friday it brought her a conviction for manslaughter.

A Tarrant County jury deliberated more than 11 hours over two days before deciding that the actions of Tracy Denise Roberson, 37, led to the shooting death of Devin LaSalle. Tracy Denise Roberson sobbed as State District Judge Louis Sturns read the verdict, a decision that surprised many inside the courtroom.

The sentencing phase of the trial begins Monday. Tracy Denise Roberson faces up to 20 years in prison. She could also be granted probation.

Authorities say her husband, Darrell Roberson, fired the shot that killed Mr. LaSalle, 32, outside the Robersons' Arlington home. Tracy Denise Roberson had come home unexpectedly from a gambling trip to Dallas the night of Dec. 11, 2006, and found his wife and Devin LaSalle together in Mr. LaSalle's truck.

He started shooting as a horrified Tracy Denise Roberson began saying she was raped. Arlington police charged Darrell Roberson with murder, and a detective testified that authorities never took out a warrant for Tracy Denise Roberson.

But a Tarrant County grand jury declined to indict Darrell Roberson and indicted his wife instead, though police never presented grand jurors with evidence against the church volunteer and mother of three.

Her attorneys, Jill Davis and Kim Minick, called the conviction a travesty. They said their client was distraught and deeply regrets Devin LaSalle's death.

"This is a woman who made a horrible, horrible mistake, and she will live with that," Ms. Davis said.

"We were expecting and hoping for a different verdict," Ms. Davis said, noting that Tracy Denise Roberson was a stay-at-home mother with no criminal record.

But Sean Colston, the assistant Tarrant County district attorney who prosecuted the case, said the verdict was just.

"We always believed in our indictment," he said.

According to court testimony, Tracy Denise Roberson began an affair with Devin LaSalle, a former New Orleans resident, after they met at a school their children attended.

On the night of the shooting, Tracy Denise Roberson invited Devin LaSalle to her South Arlington home while her husband was in Dallas. Testimony showed that Darrell Roberson called his home 19 times while he was away. He finally got his young daughter, who told him his wife was outside.

Darrell Roberson headed for home, and when he found his wife and Mr. LaSalle together – Tracy Denise Roberson was clad in only a robe and underwear – he fired four rounds from a 10 mm Smith & Wesson at the truck. One of the bullets hit Devin LaSalle in the head, killing him.

Tracy Denise Roberson false rape claim, prosecutors said, was more than a farce. It actually led an angry and jealous Darrell Roberson to kill, they said.

During closing arguments Thursday, Mr. Colston said Tracy Denise Roberson put Devin LaSalle's life in peril to save herself.

"She will throw anyone under the bus," Mr. Colston said. "Imagine all the pain Tracy Roberson caused just because she wanted to do what Tracy Roberson wanted to do. She'll throw her husband under the bus. She'll throw [her daughter] under the bus. She'll throw Devin LaSalle under the bus.

"It's time to take responsibility," Mr. Colston continued. "It's time to let her know, 'You did cause Devin LaSalle's death.' "

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