Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Stop the Presses - MICROSOFT has a Problem with the ZUNE CRASHING

Around 2AM this morning night, every MICROSOFT ZUNE on the Planet seems to have frozen. Early reports from MICROSOFT indicate they have no idea what caused the popular Christmas gift ZUNE TO CRASH.

The ZUNE CRASH centers around the BOOT-UP sequence where, as you can see in the picture to the left, states "TO RECOVER FROM THE ERROR ZUNE MUST CLEAR ALL CONTENT". This development is quite a pain to those who had just figured out HOW TO LOAD SONGS ONTO THEIR ZUNE. (This was a popular ZUNE query just after Christmas.)

Today ZUNE searches are much different as frustrated ZUNE owners struggle to find the solution to their PROBLEM ridden ZUNE. Today searches are around the terms ZUNE CRASH, ZUNE SUPPORT, ZUNE, ZUNE RESET, ZUNE STUCK ON LOADING SCREEN, ZUNE HARD RESET, ZUNE VIRUS, ZUNE HELP, ZUNE SUPPORT and many many more.

Even Websites in Europe are commenting on the ZUNE PROBLEM. Here is a quote from a German Tech site:

Eine eigenartige Epidemie greift seit diesem Tag um sich, glaubt man hunderten Foreneinträgen betroffener Zune-Nutzer. Demnach fallen alle Zune-Player mit 30-GB-Festplatte seit heute aus bisher unerfindlichem Grund aus.

Es klingt wie ein verfrühter – eigentlich aber verspäteter – Y2K-Scherz, der derweil durch die Support-Foren dieser Welt geistert (siehe auch). Beinahe jeder Zune-Player verweigert den Dienst. Begonnen haben soll das seltsame Verhalten kurz nach Mitternacht am heutigen Tage. Seit dem können die Zune-Player nicht mehr gestartet werden und bleiben bei stets dem selben Startstatus hängen. Aus diesem Zustand könne man die Geräte nicht mehr herausbekommen, wie betroffene Besitzer berichten. Selbst Zunes, die zur angegebenen Zeit noch aktiviert waren, führten etwa um 2 Uhr morgens einen Reset durch und verharren seitdem in dem unnützen Zustand.

Der Grund für das merkwürdige Verhalten ist bisher unbekannt. Es ist davon zu lesen, dass nur die aktuellste Firmware betroffen sei, dies konnte bisher allerdings nicht bestätigt werden. Von einer Problemlösung seitens Microsoft ist bisher nicht viel zu sehen; der Zeitpunkt des Ausfalls ist wohl auch denkbar ungünstig.

Another North American Tech site has the following to say on the MICROSOFT ZUNE CRASH:

Microsoft has yet to comment on what is causing massive numbers of its 30GB Zune to fail virtually simultaneously
There have been some mysteries in the technology world over 2008. It seems that the last day of the year will end on another mysterious note for technology fans and Microsoft Zune owners.

According to Gizmodo there are massive amounts of reports of 30GB Microsoft Zune players failing around the country. The proximity to the New Year has led the phenomenon to be dubbed the Y2K9 bug, though the failures actually having anything to do with a calendar issue is slim. Mostly the slim chances have to do with the fact that the calendar won’t change until midnight tonight on the players and the first reports of failures starting coming in at about 2 a.m. this morning.

The failure goes something like this according to reports. At about 2 a.m. 30GB Zune's that were reset or were tuned off failed when they were started back up. The failure is described by those affected as a freeze at the load screen.

According to reports this isn’t a few 30GB Zune's that have failed, the vast majority of the devices have the same exact failure symptoms and have been reports by hundreds of owners according to Gizmodo. At this point little is known as to what is causing the mass failures of the devices. Once Microsoft is up and running for the workday, perhaps we will get more information on the issue.


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