Wednesday, April 8, 2009


Pop singer BRITNEY SPEARS may have gotten a little choked at VANCOUVER GM Place performance on Wednesday night.

BRITNEY SPEARS walked off the stage briefly during her performance at the arena, citing smoke in the air. A spokesperson for Orca Bay Sports and Entertainment said BRITNEY SPEARS returned to the stage after the smoke cleared. The spokesperson said the smoke was from cigarettes and not marijuana, although smoking cigarettes indoors is illegal.

We want to apologize to all the fans who attended our Vancouver show tonight for the brief pause in Britney's set. Crew members above the stage became ill due to a ventilation issue.

“Some people were smoking near the stage and some of the performers took offence and walked off,” said Harvey Jones, vice-president and general manager of arena operations for Canucks Sports and Entertainment. “This is the first time that’s happened.”

Jones said concert attendees were reminded that it was a non-smoking venue and were told that the concert would resume once the air cleared.

Disgruntled and disappointed VANCOUVER BRITNEY SPEARS fans booed, cheered and chanted “Go Canucks go!” before BRITNEY SPEARS and her backup dancers returned to the stage over 30 minutes later.

Fans at the sold-out Circus concert said they were disappointed in BRITNEY SPEARS' lacklustre performance and ensuing mini-meltdown.

at about 8:45, In the middle of the VANCOUVER BRITNEY SPEARS CONCERT and about 15 minutes after her last appearance on stage, the poptarts lip syncing was soon replaced by a voice over the GM Place Loudspeaker
“It’s become uncomfortable and unsafe for the performers, including Ms. Spears,” the voice says, eliciting big boos from the crowd. “The show will resume as soon as the air around the stage is clear.
The performance will not proceed until the air clears.”

People are chanting her name. Others are just yelling and howling. The mood is sour. I’d hate to be a smoker right about now. The entire stadium is doing the wave in the darkness, their movements lit by their mobile phones. It's deafening. “We want Britney.” Clap. Clap. Clap. Clap. Clap. “We want Britney.” The organ is playing. This is like a hockey game without any players.

It wasn't until about 9:50 PM that BRITNEY SPEARS returned to the stage with a "What's up Vancouver" as she girated her way through the rest of the show

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