Thursday, May 28, 2009


A MAGNITUDE 7.1 EARTHQUAKE SHOOK HONDURAS this morning. At this point, reports from the EARTHQUAKE RAVAGED HONDURAS are understandably sketchy at best. Currently it is reported that four children have died as a result of the 7.1 EARTHQUAKE IN HONDURAS and many more are expected as rescuers search through the rubble that was left by this devastating EARTHQUAKE IN HONDURAS.

Randolfo Funes, a top official at Honduras' civil protection agency said "We have confirmed four dead, there will be many more dead."

Tuesday, May 26, 2009


"I've got this Crazy Feeling I don't understand"

RED BULL sales in North American are going to spike since GERMANY BANNED RED BULL ENERGY DRINKS since they found trace amounts of COCAINE IN RED BULL. I guess RED BULL wasn't joking when they said "It gives you wings". Perhaps Ozzie should re-write the words of the COCAINE influenced Flying High Again to include RED BULL.

If you are looking for WHERE TO BUY RED BULL COLA, I have included some links below where you can get either a 16 or 20 Pack before COCAINE LACED RED BULL COLA becomes completely banned.

here is the original article about COCAINE IN RED BULL COLA

Six German states have told retailers to stop selling Red Bull Cola energy drinks after a test found a trace amount of cocaine.

The bans started Friday after a sample test conducted by authorities in North Rhine-Westphalia state found 0.4 micrograms per liter in the drink.

Five other states also banned it from shops amid concerns over possible narcotics law violations.

Germany's Federal Institute for Risk Assessment said Monday that the cocaine level was too low to pose a health risk. It planned to produce a more detailed report Wednesday.

Red Bull said its cola is "harmless and marketable in both the U.S. and Europe." It said similar coca leaf extracts are used worldwide as flavoring, and a test it commissioned itself found no cocaine traces.

Sunday, May 24, 2009

11 Dead and Dozens injured in Stampede in MOROCCO MUSIC FESTIVAL

At least 11 People are dead and dozens injured after A STAMPEDE at the MAWAZINE (RHYTHMS) FESTIVAL IN MORROCCO. The MOROCCAN CONCERT included performances by international stars such as STEVIE WONDER, KYLIE MINOGUE and others. The brunt of the stampede occurred during a free performance of local favorite ABDELAZIZ STATI which gathered an uncontrollable audience of over 70,000 spectators at the peak of the stampede. The approximate 3,000 uniformed and plain-clothed police officers were unable to control the STAMPEDE IN RABAT.

MOROCCAN POLICE report the stampede came to a head after thousands of spectators surged towards one of the exits bringing down a wire fence and setting off the STAMPEDE IN THE MOROCCO CITY OF RABAT.

Of those who died in the MOROCCO CONCERT STAMPEDE Five were women, four men and two children who apparently suffocated in the crush of the MOROCCO CONCERT STAMPEDE. A source close to the case said all those who died were Moroccan.

Survivors of the MOROCCO CONCERT STAMPEDE were rushed to RABAT's main hospital, Ibn Sina, where a source said all but five of the injured had left by Sunday morning. Head of Hospital carein RABA's Ibn Sina, Abdelatif Benchekroun, reported, "Most of the injured are young,"

Hassan Amrani, the prefect of the Rabat region, said Sunday that eight people -- including three children with various fractures -- remained in intensive care. Their conditon ranged from "between serious and very serious," the director of Ibn Sina hospital Yasser Soufiani said.

A source close to RABAT CITY council said Stati's concert, which was free, had originally been scheduled to be held in Moulay el Hassan Square in central Rabat. But it was switched to the stadium to accommodate the large number of fans, mainly young people, said the source, close to the security services.

Festival organisers, Maroc Cultures, issued a statement which said "its great sorrow" and offered the families and friends of the victems, their "profound and sincere condolences." King Mohammed VI reached out to the families by sending them personal messages of condolence and an offering to pay for the victims' funeral services and for any and all hospital cost.

The Moroccan interior ministry announced there will be an investigation into the RABAT CITY CONCERT STAMPEDE.

The MAWAZINE FESTIVAL was created in 2001 and is one of the most important cultural gatherings held in MOROCCO. In addition to the internationally acclaimed concerts, the MAWAZINE FESTIVAL consists of street shows, an exhibition by Arab artists and children's events. This years' 8th annual MAWAZINE FESTIVAL in RABAT consisted of some 1,700 foreign and local performers and was opened on May 15 by Australian pop icon Kylie Minogue.

Performers at this years' MAWAZINE FESTIVAL IN RABAT included US soul legend Stevie Wonder, Algerian rai singer Khaled, South African singer Johnny Clegg, Brazilian bossa nova artist Sergio Mendes and Italian composer and conductor Ennio Morricone.

The 2008 edition of the MAWAZINE FESTIVAL IN RABAT attracted over 1.2 million spectators to nine venues across the MOROCCAN CITY OF RABAT.

The festival's president, Mounir El Majidi, said in a message posted on the event's website that said the festival aimed to promote tourism and "support Rabat, as a city open to the world." The DEATHS resulting from the STAMPEDE AT THE MAWAZINE FESTIVAL IN RABAT may cause organizers to look a little more seriously at crowd control for any further festivals. Names of those who died as a result of the STAMPEDE at the MAWAZINE MUSIC FESTIVAL IN RABAT MOROCCO have not been released.

Friday, May 22, 2009


The web seems to be buzzing with news of a 37 year old CHRISTA ANN TAYLOR who was jailed for breach of probation and theft of service warrants.

CHRISTA ANN TAYLOR seems to be claiming she is pregnant with the baby of Dallas Maverciks star DIRK NOWITZKI to whom CHRISTA ANN TAYLOR is also reportidly engaged to. It seems everyone wants to see PICTURES OF DIRK NOWITSKI's GIRLFRIEND / FIANCEE CHRISTA ANN TAYLOR Here is the story behind the CHRISTA ANN TAYLOR PICTURE SEARCH

(AP) — DALLAS - A lawyer for Dirk Nowitzki says he doubts CHRISTA ANN TAYLOR's claim that she is pregnant with the Dallas Mavericks star's baby.

CHRISTA ANN TAYLOR, 37, told The Dallas Morning News in an interview from jail this week that Nowitzki was her fiance and that she learned she was pregnant after CHRISTA ANN TAYLOR was arrested at his house on a probation violation and theft of services warrants.

Robert Hart, Nowitzki's Dallas-based lawyer, said in a statement released to on Thursday, "If in the remote instance there is any validity to this CHRISTA ANN TAYLOR's claim of pregnancy, Dirk will do whatever can be done to ensure the well-being of the child."

Don Duesler, Taylor's court-appointed lawyer, declined to comment on the CHRISTA ANN TAYLOR pregnancy issue. CHRISTA ANN TAYLOR, who authorities say has at least eight aliases, remained in jail in Beaumont on Friday.

CHRISTA ANN TAYLOR said in a telephone interview with the Morning News that she and Nowitzki were to be married in July. CHRISTA ANN TAYLOR said she learned of her pregnancy after getting tested when admitted to the Dallas jail, but Hart said "we have been told" that she hadn't received a pregnancy test.

Privacy laws prevent officials from releasing medical records. Dallas County jail officials say pregnancy tests are not automatically given to prisoners but are sometimes administered if the prisoner's statements or pre-existing conditions warrant them.

After CHRISTA ANN TAYLOR's arrest on May 6, a woman identifying herself as CHRISTA ANN TAYLOR's best friend was telling media outlets that CHRISTA ANN TAYLOR was pregnant with Nowitzki's baby. That, Hart's statement says, raises questions about the claim CHRISTA ANN TAYLOR learned she was pregnant at the jail.

CHRISTA ANN TAYLOR told the newspaper that she'd lived with Nowitzki for the last two years.

"I've known Dirk for seven years-and, no, I didn't tell him everything about my past because I was afraid," CHRISTA ANN TAYLOR said. "But I mean, now I'm pregnant and alone and broke because he is my only source of income."

CHRISTA ANN TAYLOR told the newspaper that Nowitzki changed his phone numbers after her arrest.

Nowitzki has declined to answer questions about his relationship with CHRISTA ANN TAYLOR, but has said he's "going through a tough time in my personal life." The Mavericks said Nowitzki left Dallas for Germany on Thursday.

Hart did not immediately return a message left by The Associated Press on Friday.

The Morning News said it didn't publish CHRISTA ANN TAYLOR's interview until after a phone conversation with one of her attorneys, St. Louis-based Amy Gervich. The newspaper said that when Taylor said she was carrying Nowitzki's child, Gervich told the newspaper: "Oh, OK. That's OK." Gervich refused comment to The Associated Press on Friday.

CHRISTA ANN TAYLOR was indicted in 2006 on a theft of services charge for failing to pay a Beaumont dentist for dental work ranging from $1,500 to $20,000 CHRISTA ANN TAYLOR received in 2004. CHRISTA ANN TAYLOR has a $50,000 bond set on the theft of services charge, but was also arrested for a probation violation out of St. Charles County, Missouri and is being held without bond on that charge.

CHRISTA ANN TAYLOR pleaded guilty in 1999 to two counts of forgery and two counts of felony stealing after being accused of passing bad checks through a bank. CHRISTA ANN TAYLOR had multiple five-year prison sentences suspended, Missouri prosecutors have said.

Thursday, May 21, 2009


The FINAL EPISODE OF AMERICAN IDOL was full of surprises as the famous and the wannabe's came out to play.

The first surpise was the amazing upset win of AMERICAN IDOL KRIS ALLEN who wowed the audience with his performances throughout the season. In a pre-AMERICAN IDOL interview, SIMON COWELL went on record to say he felt AMERICAN IDOL CONTESTANT ADAM LAMBERT was the clear winner. Perhaps it was ADAM LAMBERT's TRANSEXUAL KISS expolits or the over reliance on theatrics. Maybe America stepped up and said they would rather have a "wholesome" AMERICAN IDOL KRIS ALLEN over a sexually unsure ADAM LAMBERT. Whatever the reason, after all the votes were counted, KRIS ALLEN is the new AMERICAN IDOL.

Due to the worries of AMERICAN IDOL PRODUCERS over potential viewers, the FINAL EPISODE OF AMERICAN IDOL was a star studded even like none before. Aging glam rocker GENE SIMMONS and the rest of KISS made an appearance to do a performance with AMERICAN IDOL RUNNER UP ADAM LAMBERT. CINDI LAUPER came out of the darkness and KATRINA DARRELL, AKA BIKINI GIRL, came out for one last stab at the fame whor... oops Horse.




Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Hollywood madam MICHELLE BRAUN cozies up to federal agents

Hollywood, sports and business celebs have reason to sweat now that top madam MICHELLE BRAUN has cut a sweet plea deal with the feds. Mickey Rourke, Charlie Sheen, Jose Canseco, Courtney Love and several Playmates are among those whose names have turned up in records provided to authorities — though none of them has been accused of any wrongdoing.

MICHELLE BRAUN, aka “Nici,” is due to be arraigned Monday in federal court in Santa Ana, Calif., as part of an agreement to “cooperate fully” with all branches of law enforcement. MICHELLE BRAUN the thirtysomething mother of two is alleged to have taken the escort business to new levels of profitability by introducing the most desirable Playmates, Pets and porn stars to men who didn’t blink at paying $500,000 for a “girlfriend.” But, after an impressive 15-year run (she always paid her taxes), MICHELLE BRAUN slipped up in October 2007, when an FBI agent posing as a “Platinum Club member” lured her into violating the Mann Act by transporting a woman — identified in court papers as “J.C.” — from California to New York City. (That’s Braun’s mug shot above.)

Investigators obtained evidence from private investigator Dan Hanks, who got to know MICHELLE BRAUN while working for “Fox Undercover.” “Michelle would ask me to do background checks on potential clients and girls, which I did in order to find out more about her,” Hanks tells us. “I don’t know that Mickey Rourke was a client,” says Hanks. “Michelle may have just wanted him as one.”

Sheen once gave MICHELLE BRAUN a $20,000 check for an evening with four girls, MICHELLE BRAUN alleged in Rolling Stone. “I once saw a very expensive painting at her condo,” recalls Hanks. “She said, ‘That’s a gift from Charlie Sheen.’” Hanks says a former Nici girl told him she turned down a job to join Courtney Love and her boyfriend for a threesome. (Love’s rep had no immediate comment.)

MICHELLE BRAUN also requested information on former Yankee Canseco, says Hanks. “I’ve heard of her,” the steroid-stained ballplayer tells us. “But I’ve never paid for sex in my life. She might have been trying to recruit me.”

Another alleged client was Jeff Kwatinetz, who managed the Backstreet Boys and Kelly Clarkson when he ran The Firm. On Feb. 11, 1999, Kwatinetz wrote a check for $6,000 for a coke-fueled three-way with two of Nici’s girls, according to Hanks. (“Six Degrees of Paris Hilton” author Mark Ebner posts the check on “The alleged incident happened a decade ago,” argues a friend of Kwatinetz. “Jeff has been sober since then and has not participated in that lifestyle.”

Other alleged MICHELLE BRAUN clients included Turkish cell phone billionaire Hakan Uzan, hedge fund manager Mark Yagalla and mortgage brokerage tycoon Michael Fanghella, according to court records and published reports.

Last year, the government alleged that MICHELLE BRAUN made at least $8.5 million from her Miami and L.A. agencies. So she appears to be getting off fairly lightly — forfeiting just $325,425, paying a $30,000 fine and spending six months under house arrest.

But feds apparently think the information on her Macbook, iPhone and T-Mobile Sidekick are worth plenty. Says Ebner, “The things she knows make Heidi Fleiss look like Mary Poppins.”

Related Links


Source NY Daily News

Friday, May 8, 2009


Mars Gives Away Candy as Part of "Real Chocolate Relief Act"

MARS SNACKFOOD US has come out with a new marketing campaign in the guise of the "REAL CHOCOLATE RELIEF ACT". The CHOCOLATE maker is giving away FREE CHOCOLATE by the way of online coupons which can then be redeemed for FREE MARS BRAND CHOCOLATE BARS. The FREE CHOCOLATE BAR COUPONS will be given away on a first come first serve basis at their promo website

Speaking from the MARS CHOCOLATE office in Hackettstown N.J., vice president Michele Kessler claimed "Brands like M&Ms, Snickers, Dove Chocolate, Twix, Milky Way and 3 Musketeers are loved by Americans, that's why we've created the Mars Real Chocolate Relief Act. It's our way of giving Americans a small treat during challenging times."

As part of the marketing campaign, every week through the end of September, Mars will give away a quarter-of-a-million full-size packages of M&Ms, Snickers, Milky Way, Twix, Dove and 3 Musketeers chocolate candy on FREE CHOCOLATE FRIDAYS. Americans can claim one of 250,000 full-value coupons each FREE CHOCOLATE FRIDAYS beginning today at 9 a.m. EST by visiting Coupons, which will be mailed to consumers, are given out on a first-come, first-serve basis and are redeemable for any full-size Mars chocolate product. The coupons are limited to one per person, per week.

The FREE CHOCOLATE FRIDAY campaign kicked off in New York City where Mars Candies hired TV Actor Neil Patrick Harris to hand out FREE CANDY outside M&M's world store in midtown Manhattan. Similar events were also held at the M&M’s World stores in Las Vegas and Orlando, Fla. Additionally, a full-page print ad ran in yesterday’s edition of USA Today, featuring a full-value coupon for any MARS CHOCOLATE product.

Now get ready for it, here is the whole purpose of the campaign, the the announcement of the FREE CHOCOLATE FRIDAY CAMPAIGN, Kessler said:
"Mars Snackfood US CHOCOLATE brands do not compromise on the purity and authenticity of CHOCOLATE by diluting it with a cocoa butter substitute,"

Now here is the scoop, I love CHOCOLATE, particularly FREE CHOCOLATE but the thing is, I have tastes pretty much all of those "CHOCOLATE" bars listed and can say with 100 percent confidence, that does not taste like CHOCOLATE. Ya ok they do use pure cocoa butter but the thing is, they do cut it with something and add far too much sugar. Personally, out of all the CHOCOLATE I have tried, I love HAGENSBORG TRUFFLES. As for MARS CHOCOLATE's, there is a reason they call it "Chocolate Product" kinda like cheese food product. FREE CHOCOLATE FRIDAY's is an interesting idea though, although don't let yourself get caught up in the ad speak.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

BANK STRESS TESTS show some banks need more funds

WASHINGTON – Some of the nation's largest banks will be scrambling to demonstrate that they can raise capital after results of government BANK STRESS TEST leaked out, showing many need more funds. The Treasury Department will officially release results later Thursday.

The BANK STRESS TESTS were designed to gauge whether any of the nation's 19 largest banks would need more capital to survive a deeper recession. It turns out many of the banks do: Wells Fargo & Co., Citigroup Inc. and Bank of America Corp. all need billions more, regulators have told them.

The public nature of the assessments and Thursday's planned announcement raised questions among some critics about whether the findings will reflect the banks' actual conditions.

The BANK STRESS TESTs put banks through two scenarios: one that reflected expectations about the current recession and another that envisioned a recession deeper than what analysts predict.

Citigroup will need to raise about $5 billion, according to a government official briefed on the results who spoke on the condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to discuss the matter. Earlier news reports had put that dollar figure closer to $10 billion.

Regions Financial Corp. will also need to raise more money, according to people briefed on the results, as will Bank of America and Wells Fargo.

Bank of America stock rose Wednesday after reports that the Charlotte, N.C.-based company would need to collect $34 billion in additional capital. The New York Times and Wall Street Journal reported the figure. The Journal cited unidentified people familiar with the situation, while the Times quoted a bank executive.

According to the BANK STRESS TEST Wells Fargo needs between $13 billion and $15 billion, according to Times and Journal reports Thursday. GMAC, the lending arm of beleaguered automaker General Motors Corp., is said to need $11.5 billion.

Morgan Stanley is looking at between a $1 billion and $2 billion shortfall, according to the Times.

In all, the BANK STRESS TEST said at least seven of the banks will need a combined $65 billion. The entire group that is deemed to need more capital will require less than $100 billion combined, according to the Times.

Despite being included in the Journal's tally, State Street is not being required to raise more capital after completing its stress test, a person familiar with the matter said Thursday.

BANK STRESS TESTS have long been a part of the bank regulation system. They help regulators decide how to supervise banks and aid banks in deciding how to limit their risk. But those conversations between banks and regulators normally take place behind closed doors.

In recent weeks, the government's unprecedented decision to publicly release BANK STRESS TEST results has fanned speculation, with analysts predicting the findings and investors staking out trading positions.

Critics are concerned that all the attention could make the BANK STRESS TESTs much less effective. They say regulators seem so intent on maintaining public confidence in the banks that the results will have to say the banks are basically healthy.

Officials have said they will not let any of the 19 institutions fold. That makes it almost impossible for them to say anything about a bank that would threaten its survival, since a flight by investors could force the government to step in with additional bailout money — something the Treasury Department hopes to avoid.

"There is a real question as to the legitimacy of these results," said Jason O'Donnell, senior analyst at Boenning & Scattergood Inc.

The BANK STRESS TESTS are a key part of the Obama administration's plan to stabilize the financial industry.

The BANK STRESS TESTs estimated how much value the banks' loans would lose as consumers and businesses faced more trouble repaying loans.

The first BANK STRESS TEST scenario envisioned unemployment reaching 8.8 percent in 2010 and housing prices dropping another 14 percent this year. The second BANK STRESS TEST imagined unemployment rising to 10.3 percent next year and homes losing another 22 percent of their value this year.

But economic assumptions have changed since the BANK STRESS TESTs were designed in February. Unemployment already has surpassed the 8.4 percent the BANK STRESS TEST's first scenario predicts for 2009, which leaves some analysts wondering whether the tests were harsh enough.

The government is asking banks to keep their capital reserve ratios above a certain level so they can continue lending even if the economic picture darkens.

The banks that need more capital will have until June 8 to come up with a plan to raise the additional resources and have the plan approved by their regulators, officials said Wednesday.

Banks will have several options for increasing their capital. Some will be able to close the gap by converting the government's debt into common stock. Others will have six months to attempt to raise money from private investors. If they cannot do it, the government will provide money from its $700 billion financial system bailout.

Representatives for American Express Co., JPMorgan Chase & Co., Bank of New York Mellon Corp., Citigroup and Regions Financial would not comment on the tests.

The remaining STRESS TESTED BANKS are: Goldman Sachs Group Inc., MetLife Inc., PNC Financial Services Group Inc., U.S. Bancorp, SunTrust Banks Inc., Capital One Financial Corp., BB&T Corp., Regions Financial Corp., Fifth Third Bancorp and Keycorp.

Financial stocks surged Wednesday amid reports on the BANK STRESS TESTS . Bank of America gained 17 percent, Citigroup surged 16 percent and Wells Fargo gained 15 percent.