Wednesday, September 23, 2009


Mackenzie Phillips has come out with a new book and the Internet is a buzz searching for information on the daughter, and apparent sex partner, of John Phillips, the founding member of the Mama's and Papa's.

After getting busted for drug possession at LAX and the subsequent trip to rahab, Mackenzie Phillips seems to have had some sort of epiphany telling her to write a tell all book. Perhaps it was therapy, maybe it was a realization that the messed up life of Mackenzie Phillips would be something American's would want to read.... You know like watching a train wreck... The more blood and guts the better.

If it is blood and guts, of the literary kind, you are looking for, Mackenzie Phillips new tell all book, High on Arrival, will be sure to deliver. From drugs, childhood rape and having an ongoing sexual relationship with her father, John Phillips of the Mama's and Papa's this tell all book High on Arrival, from Mackenzie Phillips will surely shock at least some of us.

In her Tell all book "High On Arrival" Mackenzie Phillips (Daughter of John Phillips off the Mama's and Papa's) talks about coming out of a blackout and finding herself havings sex with her father, John Phillips. The incestual incident happened on the bight before her wedding to Jeff Sessler, son of Freddie Sessler, a longtime member of the Rolling Stones' entourage.

"On the eve of my wedding, my father showed up, determined to stop it, I had tons of pills, and Dad had tons of everything, too. Eventually I passed out on Dad's bed. My father was not a man with boundaries. He was full of love, and he was sick with drugs. I woke up that night from a blackout to find myself having sex with my own father. Had this happened before? I didn't know. All I can say is it was the first time I was aware of it. For a moment I was in my body, in that horrible truth, and then I slid back into a blackout."

Following a life of drug addiction, Mackenzie Phillips' father John Phillips died in 2001.

A main character in the 80's TV show "One Day at a Time" which she starred in with Valerie Bertinelli, author of her own tell all book and fellow ex-drug hag. Mackenzie Phillips was eventually fired from "One Day at a Time," as a result of her drug problems.

After her firing from One Day at a Time, Mackenzie Phillips entered rehab with her father. During their stint in rehab, and as Mackenzie and John Phillips struggled with their addictions, the affair between Mackenzie Phillips and her father John Phillips became consensual.

At one point, John Phillips even suggested they run away together so they could continue their relationship "One night, Dad said, 'We could just run away to a country where no one would look down on us. There are countries where this is an accepted practice. Maybe Fiji." says Mackenzie Phillips about her father John Phillips. "He was completely delusional. 'No,' I thought, 'we're going to hell for this.' "

In an interview with Oprah Winfrey airing today, Mackenzie Phillips tells the world it was her father who first introduced her to the drugs which eventually led to her having sex with him. "My father shot me up for the first time, I remember going into my room, I was crouched on the floor. He put the needle in my arm and put the plunger in and he missed, he missed the vein and my whole arm went numb."

In addition to One Day at a Time, Mackenzie Phillips also starred in "American Graffiti" and, more recently, on the Disney Channel show "So Weird." Mackenzie Phillips also made guest appearances on the TV series "7th Heaven,"



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