CAROLINE KENNEDY AFFAIR - Following in her fathers' philandering footsteps
CAROLINE KENNEDY has always said she wanted to be like her Daddy, it looks like she is heading in that direction... at least as far as her love life goes.
Thus far there are five major competing theories as to why CAROLINE KENNEDY PULLED OUT OF THE SENATE RACE so suddenly and mysteriously. We list them, and give exact statistical odds, below:
Here's what you've missed if you've had better things to do for the last 24 hours than keep up with the by-the-minute changes in the CAROLINE KENNEDY story. We know she isn't going to be the next junior Senator from New York. We have no idea, however, why not. She announced last night that she didn't want the seat anyway, but in such an incompetent manner that all anyone in political circles has been doing today is collecting the various theories of why she dropped out. These are the five being most discussed.
1. CAROLINE KENNEDY was incompetent, and pulled out to avoid the embarrassment of not being picked: This is really the most likely scenario. Her push to start at the top was a bad idea from the beginning. She didn't embody the HOPE of the Obama era. At least all her connections and money landed her some political consultants who were smart enough to tell her to get out while she was—if not ahead—at least not totally destroyed.
Odds: Even
The Different Types Of Home Mortgage Loan
If you are considering buying a home, then you may be a little confused by
all of the terms you hear about home loans. After all, lenders just throw